Diamond in the Rough


Posted on: November 2, 2008

I missed last week, i’m sorry. But it has been crazy. but there have been major things happening in my life.  Me and God have been having some serious conversations latetly. It’s funny, the worship set today contained all the songs I have been playing over and over for the past two weeks. So here are my top ten big moment of the past two weeks. This is a very real blog, with very real issues that I am/have been dealing with. I know that I can trust you all, those who read this, but I just felt I needed to make that statement this week.

in no specific order

10.  So this was the first Halloween in the new house. We had over 300 kids come to the house. No… seriously, he had to run out and get more candy three times. After it was all gone we had to put a sign on the door that said no candy. It was crazy and awesome and everything we hoped for!

9.  To go with the theme halloween: We had our community group halloween party. It was so much fun. We had a great turn out, and, outside of the cops and the creepy neighbors ( who caused me not to sleep that night) it was a great night.

8.I have recently realized that I am really struggling this semester in school. I dont know if its senioritis, or just so much going on inside my head, but I havent struggle this much since freshman year. I have so much to do. with no motivation outside of needing good grades to graduate. I still feel something is off… like im not doing somehting right. But I just have to wait and see.

7.I am really excited about the C3 volunteer meeting on friday! I cant wait to hear what newthings God has in store for C3. I have had this feeling of anticipation in my heart for weeks. And then Byron made the annoucement that he had stuff to share. Big things are coming and I am really excited to be a part of it.

6. I was at school the other day and on the back of someones car it said “Vote Jesus Daniel 2:21″ So I looked it up online when I got to work. The Contemporary English version says ”

21You control human events–

   you give rulers their power

   and take it away,

   and you are the source

   of wisdom and knowledge.

It has been my prayer for the election ever since. I am still torn on who I am voting for. and I think I may be until I get to the voting booth on Tuesday. (Yes, I missed early voting) 

5. I have been getting back to a state of living in worship. There have been some songs in the past few weeks that have really spoken to me, touched me, and have been really comforting. I really love the song by Brandon Heath ” Give Me Your Eyes.” The chorus goes like this:

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see

It has been a prayer of mine since I first heard it. I also love the song that I quoted in my last blog. And we sang that this morning, which was totall awesome. We also sang “Your Grace is Enough.” I think I could play those three songs on a loop all day and it would be a good day!  

4.So I have talked about this specific friend before, but I am really struggling with this friendship at the moment. I feel as though it may just be dragging me down, but I also feel that this person really needs me right now, and I really need them too. So it is a really weird situation right now.

3. Me and God have been having this… battle, argument, maybe even a war about my dating life for years now. But I think we may have reached a resolution, …well really it was more of me giving in to His way. I still dont think it is going to be easy, but I think it will be better. 

2. So, its no secret that I have some issues with my family. But it has come to my attention that one of my sisters is acting, extrememly irresponsibly, which, if you knew her, is really nothing new. But this time, I think she maybe going to far this time. Please keep her in prayer.

1. This last one may sound really insignifigant to most of you out there, but to me its huge. I had a real conversation with my oldest sister when I went home last time. That is a really big step for me. And I really hope that this is just the begining.

4 Responses to "TGIS 9"

This was a great post Karen. I’ll be praying for some of these things and I’m glad you and God have been having some serious moments together.

I’ll be praying for you.

Thanks girls! I really appreciate it!

Karen, Thanks for your post. You are so wise beyond your years and you have a heart of Gold! Your words have blessed me and I will be praying! Love you!

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